Applications for the 2026 program will open later in the year.

EY Port Jackson Partners pursues excellence and impact for our clients, our firm, and our community. Through our scholarship program, we want to recognise exceptional women and support them in beginning to build a career that is interesting, challenging and fulfilling.

We are looking for women who are curious and driven to make a positive impact. We encourage women from all degree backgrounds to apply for our scholarship program and gain insight into what a future in consulting could look like. As the scholarship recipient, you will receive $20,000 in funding, a position in our internship program and mentorship from one of our senior women leaders. A group of highly commended applicants will also be invited to join our 12-month Spark program with like-minded peers, which includes invitation to events and training, such as consulting case workshops and Women@EY PJP events.

Terms and Conditions for the Women’s Scholarship and Program can be found here.