Community Focus Feb20
On 9 February, during a torrential downpour in Sydney, our team of PJPers (past, present and future) competed in Race to Raise, an annual fundraising initiative to support the incredible work of our friends at Palmera. In an Amazing Race-type game, teams solve cryptic brain teasers and challenging riddles at different landmarks across the Sydney CBD.
To date, $39,000 has been raised – smashing the initial target of $35,000.
According to one contestant, “…this game is perfect for collaborative yet competitive nerds”, and PJP had two horses in the race (coming first and second on the day). This initiative is very close to the heart of our BA Lakshman Nirthanakumaran, who has built the event with his wife Ramya and an amazing team of dedicated volunteers (including a number of PJPers). Congratulations to everyone who participated – the challenge is on again in 2021.